Melodrama Resources by Mark Feezell

A few resources on melodrama by Mark Feezell, Ph.D. are listed below.  Please visit for more about Dr. Feezell.  These materials are all copyright Mark Feezell and may be reproduced ONLY by permission.

1. An overview history of melodrama - text/footnotes/bibliography:  HTML version  WORD document

2. An overview history of melodrama - text/footnotes/bibliography/chronology PDF version

3. A chronological list of selected melodramas (WORD document)

4. Joseph Schwantner's New Morning for the World (PDF)

5. Arnold Schoenberg's A Survivor from Warsaw (PDF) - NOTE: Many ideas behind this essay are inspired by Timothy L. Jackson, "'Your songs proclaim God's return': Arnold Schoenberg-The composer and his Jewish Faith," International Journal of Musicology VI (1997), pp. 281-317.